When you invest, you are increasing your income
and building the value of your assets!
It's never too soon to start thinking about investing.
Investing means putting your money to work earning more money.
Done wisely, it can help you meet your financial goals.
You don't have to be wealthy to be an investor.
Investing even a small amount can produce considerable rewards
over the long term, especially if you do it regularly.
Investing means you have to make decisions about
how much you want to invest and where to invest it.
To choose wisely, you need to know what choices you have
and what risks you take when you invest in different ways.
If you want to invest, you have a wealth of opportunities.
Selecting the best investment depends on your financial goals
and general market conditions.
The right investment is a balance of three things:
Liquidity (how accessible is your money?)
Safety (what's the risk involved?)
Return (What can you get back on your investment?)
You can find many things to invest in, but the basic three:
stocks, bonds and cash
should be the core of any investment portfolio.