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Selected Articles

The Cookie Jar - November 5, 1999 - By I. E. C. Haramis
Online Trading - January 10, 2000 - By I. E. C. Haramis
Does Market Timing Work? - In part by www.finpipe.com
My Predictions! - January 18, 2000 - By I. E. C. Haramis
Emotions! - February 10, 2000 - By I. E. C. Haramis
The Greater Fool Theory! - In part by www.speculativebubble.com
Oversimplifications - March 15, 2000 - By I. E. C. Haramis
Lacking Vision - March 28, 2000 - By I. E. C. Haramis
Market's Up... Market's Down! - In part by Doug Gerlach
Herd Mentality! - April 9, 2000 - By I. E. C. Haramis
Buy the Dips! - April 27, 2000 - By I. E. C. Haramis
Economic Pornography! - September 23, 2000 - By I. E. C. Haramis
Market Manipulation - October 9, 2000 - By I. E. C. Haramis

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